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Why Won't My Car Insurance Rates Go Down?

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

July 28, 2022

If you type "why won't my car insurance" into a Google search, the first thing that pops up is "why won't my car insurance go down." We would like to shed some light on that question and possibly help save you some money in the long run.

  1. Check your credit score. Auto insurance companies will check your credit score because statistics show that a lower credit score has a correlation with higher and more frequent claims.

  2. Be cognizant of your driving record and understand that it’s not just your record that affects your rates, it’s everyone that is insured by your company. Texting and driving is such a prevalent thing now, you would be hard pressed to drive 150 feet without seeing someone else do it. This quite often leads to running red lights or crossing lanes.

  3. Put your insurance policies with the same company. Put your renter's coverage and your car insurance together. Put your Homeowner's policy in the same place as your auto coverage. Most insurance companies offer money-saving discounts for multiple policies. Bundle baby! It doesn’t always help, but most of the time it does.

  4. Use an independent agent. Sticking with the same State Farm agent you've had since you were 18 is probably costing you money. Going online and getting a rate quote from a carrier that only offers one rate is like shopping for a new car at one dealership without getting prices from 10 others before you buy. Hudson Valley Agents will shop your rate out with 15 or more (A) rated or better, car insurance companies to find the best fit for you and your wallet. Also, trusting your car insurance to a data processor at an online insurance company will require some knowledge of insurance language and contracts to ensure that the possible low price you were quoted doesn't come with useless coverage, and does cover what you actually need in the event of a loss. Most importantly, if your rate goes up, all you have to do is call us and we will re-shop for you again! If you call an online insurance company or a captive like State Farm when your rate goes up, there will be nothing they can do except maybe send you flowers or something to help ease the pain.

Would you like to lower your other insurance costs? Hudson Valley Agents can handle your business, personal, and life insurance needs. Click here for a free quote now!

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